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Entries tagged with 'Matthew Vaughn'

Stalked: 500 Days, Thor, T4

500 Days of Summer has picked up a couple of cast members. Thor may be losing it's director. And T4 is going ahead despite the looming threat of an actors strike....

Vaughn directing Millar's Kick-Ass?

A little while ago it was announced that Matthew Vaughn was to be co-writing the screenplay for the comic series Kick-Ass by Mark Millar, the man responsible for the excellent comic Wanted, and John Romita Jr., and now there's a rumour that Matthew Vaughn will also be directing. Well Millar...

Thor on hold

Matthew Vaughn has been talking about the Superhero project Thor and how it's been delayed. Frankly I never though Thor was a great project and that there are many other superhero tales that couls be tackled well before that makes the big screen....

Thor to be British?

Thor is not going to be seen moving forward until after the Writer's strike in the U.S., but the Director Matthew Vaughn has revealed that the film is going to be shot in Britain and suggests that the cast and crew will be British too. Apparently Thor filming has been...

Thor budget and casting

Matthew Vaughn has written a short piece for The Guardian talking about his working week, and in it we get an interesting insight into the budget issues for the upcoming Thor film that he's planning to direct. At the same time a rumour we had about the casting of Thor...

McKidd says he could be Thor

Kevin McKidd, like so many other actors, knew nothing about him being considered for the role of Thor on the big screen, but while he knew nothing his agents knew everything. A typical scene for an actor. While we were all talking about the possibility of Kevin McKidd becoming the...


Film Five Stars

I was expecting the press screening for Stardust to be rather busy but then again it was first thing on a sunday morning and you can expect there to be small audiences in the morning, with those being there sporting hangovers and tales of a few hours sleep. However this...

Will Thor be Scottish?

We've just heard that Matthew Vaughn is the Director for the film version of the comic book character Thor, and it was soon after that the rumours were out that he and Marvel were clashing on who to cast in the role, and now a huge rumour is floating around...

Matthew Vaughn directs Thor

Well it's official, Matthew Vaughn is now set to direct Thor. He had been in negotiations for the role and now he's got the gig. Mark Protosevich has written the script about the Norse God who is set to Earth to protect humanity, for some reason someone believes we are...

Butler, Wilkinson on Ritchie's RocknRolla

Wow, either Guy Ritchie is really coming back with a vengeance or some big name stars have made some very poor choices. Announced today are the new signings for his film RocknRolla, and those are Gerard Butler, Tom Wilkinson, Thandie Newton and Idris Elba. According to The Hollywood Reporter Chris...

Stalked: The Sisters Grimm, Matthew Vaughn, My Samurai and urban street racing

Matthew Vaughn's production company signs a three year deal with Sony, My Samurai could be an interesting comedy, The Sisters Grimm marks another children's franchise to be adapted from a novel series, and Fast Track: No Limits is a new urban street racing film on the go. Michael Buckley's children's...

Vaughn to direct Thor

Superhero films seem to be getting taken a little more seriously just now, and the latest is Thor as the rumour appears that Matthew Vaughn is in talks to direct the film version. It does show that superhero films are being taken a little bit more seriously in Hollywood, after...

Three Stardust clips online

Friday is trailer day. There are three new TV adverts, commercials, spots, whatever you'd like to call them, online for the Neil Gaiman, Matthew Vaughn directed Stardust. I have to say these, combined with the great trailer they have there, are really selling the film to me. I was keen...

Gaiman's Stardust gets R rated?

Surprisingly the Matthew Vaughn directed Stardust, the adaptation of Neil Gaiman's novel, has been given an R rating by the MPAA, and the reason given? "fantasy violence and risque humor" Is Stardust really going to be that tough a film? After seeing the trailer I really didn't think so, but...

Gaiman's Stardust trailer online

The trailer for Neil Gaiman's Stardust directed by Matthew Vaughn is now online, and it looks spectacular. Okay, it is very small, but the characters and effects look wonderful and two in particular caught my eye out of that huge cast list. Robert De Niro no longer looking like his...

Producer has high hopes for Stardust

Lorenzo di Bonaventura has been talking again, this time about the upcoming film adapted from Neil Gaiman's Stardust. Directed by Matthew Vaughn this is a strange tale indeed, and one which was never thought could actually reach the big screen, but it seems it will and with interesting results. Di...


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