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Entries tagged with 'Tom Wilkinson'

Spacey to play Al Gore's aide

Kevin Spacey it to play Al Gore's chief of staff Ronald Klain in the film Recount, joining John Hurt, Tom Wilkinson, Laura Dern, Denis Leary and Ed Begley Jr. Ronald Klain was not only the chief of staff to Al Gore during the Florida farce where he clearly won as...

Clips 'n' Pics: Michael Clayton and Assassination of Jesse James

There are two sets of clips online for the George Clooney starring Michael Clayton and the Brad Pitt starring The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford, and what's interesting for me is that I got bored and disinterested with the Assassination clips but was drawn to the...

Allen's Cassandra's Dream trailer online

The trailer for Woody Allen's Cassandra's Dream is online, and I have to say I'm confused and disheartened after watching it. Let's hope that this is a rough cut. Cassandra's Dream features Colin Farrell, Ewan McGregor, Tom Wilkinson, Philip Davis and Tamzin Outhwaite in a story about two brothers, one...

Butler, Wilkinson on Ritchie's RocknRolla

Wow, either Guy Ritchie is really coming back with a vengeance or some big name stars have made some very poor choices. Announced today are the new signings for his film RocknRolla, and those are Gerard Butler, Tom Wilkinson, Thandie Newton and Idris Elba. According to The Hollywood Reporter Chris...

HD Update: Clooney's Michael Clayton trailer online

The trailer for George Clooney's latest film, Michael Clayton, is online and it does look powerful indeed. It looks as intriguing as Syriana and way more tense. The film tells the story of Michael Clayton who is a fixer for a large corporate law firm. His whole life is the...

Allen's Cassandra's Dream struggling?

Woody Allen has been having a hard time trying to sell his latest film in Cannes, despite Cassandra's Dream having a strong cast and story. Previously his film Scoop failed to gain a UK release, despite the bankable talents involved. Apart from his own name there were Hugh Jackman, Scarlett...

The Exorcism of Emily Rose

DVD Four Stars

Tales of exorcism are perhaps one of my favourite forms of horror because they carry that terrifying thought that they might just be real. No matter what you believe, when you watch scenes of an allegedly possessed person and hear what they are capable of it's terrifying, whether you believe...

British cloning play adapted

The British playwright Caryl Churchill is about to see one of their plays adapted for the big screen. A Number is the film version of the play Number which looks into the subject of cloning. Tom Wilkinson plays a father who is confronted by the sons he had cloned decades...


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