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Entries tagged with 'Kevin Spacey'

Spacey to play Al Gore's aide

Kevin Spacey it to play Al Gore's chief of staff Ronald Klain in the film Recount, joining John Hurt, Tom Wilkinson, Laura Dern, Denis Leary and Ed Begley Jr. Ronald Klain was not only the chief of staff to Al Gore during the Florida farce where he clearly won as...

Darkness singer joins Spacey in Joe Meek film

According to reports Justin Hawkins, the ex-lead singer of the Darkness, and Carl Barat, the ex-guitarist for the Libertines, have signed up for a biographical film of the famous music producer Joe Meek called Telstar. Meek is particularly well known for his work with The Tornados' and their song Telstar....

Spacey Returns in Man of Steel

From Variety we have confirmation that Kevin Spacey will be back as Lex Luthor in the upcoming Superman: Man of Steel, which should kill the rumour of his retirement from film. Spacey, who has eight years remaining on his 10-year contract as artistic director of London's Old Vic Theater, corrected...

Kevin Spacey's film career over?

Kevin Spacey is a superb actor, of that there's no doubt, so it is incredibly sad news that according to reports he's confirmed the rumours that have been around for some time, he's done with acting. According to the actor himself he's really not interested in his personal film career...


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