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Entries tagged with 'Sam Rockwell'

Clips 'n' Pics: Michael Clayton and Assassination of Jesse James

There are two sets of clips online for the George Clooney starring Michael Clayton and the Brad Pitt starring The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford, and what's interesting for me is that I got bored and disinterested with the Assassination clips but was drawn to the...


Film Three Stars

I was looking forward to seeing Joshua, clips I'd seen had been promising, and I like both Sam Rockwell and Vera Farmiga, and the film featured something I really love in horror films, creepy children. However this isn't a horror, and it's something that struck me straight away, this is...

Stalked: Joshua clips and From Inside opening online

A couple of clips for you. First up we have the opening three minutes of the film From Inside, a tale of survivors of an apocalypse stranded aboard a moving train where they have to rebuild society, and a few clips from Joshua, the scary kid who has a high...

Big names join Frost/Nixon

The Frost/Nixon film is set to see the two stage actors reprise their roles on screen, and with them they have three big names joining them. Sam Rockwell, Toby Jones and Matthew Macfadyen have signed up to appear in the film. Frost/Nixon looks at the incredibly powerful and revealing interviews...

Creepy Joshua trailer online

The Joshua trailer appeared online the other day, but true to that site's form it was restricted for me to view, and that probably meant everyone outside the US and Canada, so today I find it online and unrestricted and was blown away by the creepiness of it. Joshua is...

Rockwell to star in Choke from Fight Club writer

Chuck Palahniuk wrote Fight Club, and that turned out to be an excellent film. Now there's news that another of his novels, Choke, has just joined the long production line towards becoming a film. What's even better news is that Sam Rockwell appears to be taking the lead role as...


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