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Entries tagged with 'MPAA'

MPAA to rate smoking in films?

The MPAA has admitted that for the first time smoking in films is going to be taken into account when giving the films a rating. The comment from the MPAA CEO Dan Glickman reveals the reasoning: "...the rating board chaired by Joan Graves will now consider smoking as a factor...

Stalked: McDowell in Doomsday,The Possibility of an Island and MPAA back down

A few stories to Stalk together, Malcom McDowell is joining Neil Marshall's Doomsday, novelist Michel Houellebecq to adapt and direct his own novel, and the MPAA changes a rating, except they've lowered it on appeal! Malcolm McDowell has joined Neil Marshall's Doomsday film. He will play a scientist called Kane...

MPAA changes Severance website

The MPAA are growing in power and their influence is far reaching. Now they are forcing websites to edit their content as the film Severance has to remove so called offensive imagery from their site. The problem? The image of the employee standing looking at his watch, his head newly...

Teeth gets R rating

Teeth has been given an R rating. Let me remind you this is a comedy about a young woman who discovers she has teeth in her vagina which she uses to chop off the penis' of guys who have done her wrong. Yes, I know, it sounds incredibly silly and...

Gaiman's Stardust gets R rated?

Surprisingly the Matthew Vaughn directed Stardust, the adaptation of Neil Gaiman's novel, has been given an R rating by the MPAA, and the reason given? "fantasy violence and risque humor" Is Stardust really going to be that tough a film? After seeing the trailer I really didn't think so, but...

Captivity gets MPAA free marketing

There's all this controversy around just now about posters and punishment for the Roland Joffé film Captivity, and it's nothing but a marketing person's dream. What the marketing company have managed to do for the film is perhaps ten times more than the cost of any standard poster campaign, and...

This Film is Not Yet Rated

Film Five Stars

I'd previously seen Kirby Dick's documentary Twist of Faith (review), and that had moved me more than just about any other film had. It is an excellent documentary, and a highly emotive one. So I was incredibly keen to see this film which had moved target onto a current hot...


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