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Entries tagged with 'Documentary'

Church and Italian Politicians argue over BBC documentary

Iran is not the only country involved in controversy over a film, for a political debate has started in Rome about the showing of a BBC documentary about the sexual abuse of children by Roman Catholic priests. The documentary, Sex Crimes and the Vatican, was shown on the BBC in...

Black Gold coffee documentary trailer online

Black Gold is a documentary about the global coffee trade, looking at the coffee makers and the chain of companies involved in bringing it to your cup. Despite the so called Fair Trade, it still sounds as though those at the far end of the production are the ones suffering....

Meat Loaf documentary in production

A Meat Loaf documentary is in the works. The film will focus on the star as he prepares for an eighteen month worldwide tour and will be a behind the scenes look at the preparations. It's not yet sure if it will feature the work during the tour, but it's...

Iran to release documentary of British soldiers

Rather than complain about foreign fantasy films it seems that Iran is set to fight back in the realm of cinema and get their side of a story out before the West does. Iran's armed forces are working to release a documentary and a book about the armed capture, imprisonment...

An Inconvenient Truth

Film Five Stars

This was, by far, the best documentary of the EIFF. Not only that but I believe it should have been a contender for best film of the festival. The film shows Al Gore as you've probably never heard or seen him before, certainly for non-US residents anyway. It films him...

This Film is Not Yet Rated

Film Five Stars

I'd previously seen Kirby Dick's documentary Twist of Faith (review), and that had moved me more than just about any other film had. It is an excellent documentary, and a highly emotive one. So I was incredibly keen to see this film which had moved target onto a current hot...

Twist of Faith

Film Five Stars

This is probably one of the hardest documentaries I've ever watched, it really does hit you like a punch in the face and almost from the outset. I can honestly say this film had me deep in thought, uneasy, laughing and crying, and that's what a movie should do. Unfortunately...


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