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Entries tagged with 'Al Gore'

Recount teaser trailer online

There's not really much online yet for the teaser trailer of Recount, but there's enough to see that there are going to be some strong performances and to suggest that this might not pull any punches. Well at least we have to hope it doesn't pull any punches, after all...

Bill Gates stars with big names

There's a bit of a fun video doing the tour of technology sites after Bill Gates gave his last keynote speech at the 2008 CES. It's about the last day of Bill Gates at Microsoft and how he tries to find something new to keep his time occupied. All this...

Film execs vote on favourite scripts

The Black List is a list of scripts from one hundred and fifty film executives and their assistants in Hollywood. Really it means little, for this voting is how much these people liked the scripts when they read them, not whether the film is a viable concern, a good business...

An Inconvenient Truth sequel?

Here's an interesting idea, how do you create a sequel to An Inconvenient Truth? Well there is a way as the Director of the film Davis Guggenheim is saying that he is in talks with Paramount about the film. According to the Director he is off next week to talk...

An Inconvenient Truth to be shown in schools

An Inconvenient Truth (Filmstalker review) is to be shown in English schools. The Environment Secretary David Millband and Education Secretary Alan Johnson announced plans to distribute the film featuring Al Gore presenting the climate problems facing out planet. As Millband says today in The Guardian: "The debate over the science...

An Inconvenient Truth

Film Five Stars

This was, by far, the best documentary of the EIFF. Not only that but I believe it should have been a contender for best film of the festival. The film shows Al Gore as you've probably never heard or seen him before, certainly for non-US residents anyway. It films him...


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