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Entries tagged with 'Sam Raimi'

Clash of the Titans remake Director?

Usually Friday is trailer day, today though it could be Director's day as a name is being rumoured to be connected with the Clash of the Titans remake. Now normally I wouldn't like to entertain the idea of a remake of such a classic film, but this directing rumour could...

Raimi's choice for Spider-Man 4 Director?

I have to say that this rumour sounds fantastical, but an inside source says that Sam Raimi has an eye on someone to direct Spider-Man 4 if he doesn't, and the word is it will be one of his friends who has been involved in these kind of films before...

Raimi talks Hobbit, Spider-Man 4 and 20,000 Leagues

Sam Raimi is a busy man, mainly in the production field right now, and there's a lot of conjecture about what his next big directing project will be. In a recent interview outside Comic-Con it seems that he might have a few options to choose from. 20,000 Leagues Under the...

Raimi looking for Spider-Man 4 writer

It seems that Sam Raimi is going to be involved in Spider-Man 4 in some way as he announces at Comic-Con that he does want to contribute to the film and that they are looking for a new writer. "I don't know if I'll just be a producer on it...

Sam Raimi's two alien films

I missed the story that Sam Raimi has two potential science fiction films up on his slate, one being a Whitley Streiber novel and the other being an epic sounding movie. I'm guessing he's going for the epic though, here's the run down. A film of Whitley Streiber's The Grays...

Raimi talks Spider-Man 4 cast and villains

Sam Raimi has been talking about the future of Spider-Man, and he's more than confident that the series is going to be continuing with or without him, and right now he's not sure which of those it will be. "Sony Pictures is going to be making many more 'Spider-Man' pictures...I...

Weir versus Raimi for Hobbit?

Wow, there's more big rumours out today as another Director is touted to take on The Hobbit. Peter Weir, the Director of Master and Commander. Okay, so first up the warnings. This is from one of those insiders, and when AICN tell you to take it with a pinch of...

Spider-Man 4,5 and 6 confirmed by Sony

After not being sure if Spider-Man 4 would be made, it seems that word from Sony Pictures Chief Executive, Michael Lynton, is that there will be three more films at least. Sam Raimi had already said that Sony plans for at least six films in the franchise, but this is...

Fourth Spider-Man Raimi yes, spoiler revealed

Spider-Man 4, is there or isn't there? Well I've always thought it will, but it does depend on the cast, I think the fans won't take a replacement as easily as you would with Batman, but it might work. Well at the Hollywood premiere of Spider-Man 3 the cast talked...

Bruce Campbell talks Bubba Nosferatu, My Name is Bruce sequel and Hobbit

Bruce Campbell has revealed that although My Name is Bruce isn't even released yet, there's funding in place for the sequel. He also has some comments on Bubba Nosferatu that don't sound that Campbell is as excited as I'd have hoped, and he mentions how he thinks it's a really...

Arad persuaded Raimi to film Venom

Apparently Sam Raimi didn't originally want to add Venom and Gwen Stacy to Spider-Man 3, it was actually Avi Arad that turned him around and persuaded him to do it for the fans. Raimi was focused on the idea of having just Sandman and Spidey battle it out, but then...

Raimi confirms three more Spider-Man films

Well suprise surprise, Sam Raimi confirms what we knew all along that there's going to be more Spider-Man films. How could there not? At a press junket he revealed that Sony have plans to go for at least six films in the franchise. It's not really a surprise is it?...

Raimi to direct modern day fantasy story

Sam Raimi is being marked as hot property at the moment as we hear that he's directing a fantasy film aimed at all ages. Screenwriters Damian Shannon and Mark Swift who wrote Freddy vs. Jason are lined up to develop the script for Raimi to direct, unfortunately the title is...

Raimi says directing The Hobbit possible

Remember the rumours about Sam Raimi directing The Hobbit? Well they could well be true according to an article looking at Spider-Man 3 and chatting with Kirsten Dunst, Raimi and Sony. Raimi was asked about the possibility and although he never said that he'd been approached, he did talk about...

Dunst says no Spider-man 4 without her

Kirsten Dunst has been talking again about the possibility of a Spider-Man 4 and how that could, or couldn't, happen. She seems pretty adamant that there are three names that if they were missing mean it wouldn't work. "Audiences aren't stupid. It'd be a big flop without me, Tobey or...

My Name is Bruce private screening news

There's a great update from the screenwriter of My Name is Bruce, the Bruce Campbell film where he stars as the B Movie Legend Bruce Campbell, aka himself. The story from Mark Verheiden goes something like this, while in a small town Campbell is taken for being the character from...

Spider-Man's new villain rumoured

There's a big rumour about that a new villain has been chosen for the next Spider-Man film. Now I find that hard to believe already because there isn't even a decision on if the studio will wait for Sam Raimi to come back after a break or if he's even...

Dunst believes in a Raimi Spider-Man 4

Kirsten Dunst has been talking about Spider-Man 3 and the future of the franchise as ShoWest, as well as showing some disdain for the Internet as a whole. From comments she made when questioned about making another Spider-Man and continuing the franchise she immediately turned to Sam Raimi: "Sam has...

Damon and Raimi in Brødre remake?

Matt Damon may be signing up to work for Sam Raimi in a film called Brothers should the studio have their way. The film is a remake based on a Danish film by Susanne Bier called Brødre (Brothers) which won awards and accolades galore and was only made in 2004....

Raimi ponders directing The Hobbit

The rumour about Sam Raimi directing The Hobbit has surfaced again, and this one seems much more grounded. It does say that it's far from being an official approach, but that Raimi has been banding the idea around some close friends and colleagues. Previous rumours had Raimi having been approached...


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