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Entries tagged with 'Reese Witherspoon'

Rendition trailer online

The trailer for Rendition is online, and it addresses quite a number of dark issues in America and Britain right now, mainly the transportation illegal deportation of human beings to countries that have laws that allow their rights to be bent and for them to be tortured and interrogated. The...

Witherspoon on Midnight, the Bunny Lake killer

Is this the film that Reese Witherspoon dropped out of Bunny Lake is Missing for? She's just been announced as signing up for a remake of a 1939 comedy called Midnight. The upside of this is that it is being written, and possibly directed, by Michael Arndt. The announcement comes...

Witherspoon produces high school murder film

Reese Witherspoon is really taking on some great projects these days. Her production company is now developing a film called Under the Bridge which is based on a true story of high school murder. The film comes from the book by Rebecca Godfrey who returned to the small British Columbia...

Carnahan talks Witherspoon and Bunny Lake

Joe Carnahan has spoken out on his blog about the recent news that Reese Witherspoon dropped out of his film Bunny Lake is Missing at a very late stage, and once again he's angry at the press and wants to put a few things straight. Turns out that there wasn't...

Witherspoon dumps Carnahan's Bunny Lake

Reese Witherspoon has dropped out of the intriguing film from Joe Carnahan, Bunny Lake is Missing, extremely close to the start of shooting, leaving the production searching for a new lead as quickly as possible. There are no reasons given, and no official explanation is forthcoming as yet, but you...

Beckinsale in Whiteout comic adaption

The graphic novels entitled Whiteout, written by Greg Rucka and drawn by Steve Lieber, is set to become a film adapted by Erich and Jon Hoeber, directed by Dominic Sena and possibly starring Kate Beckinsale who is currently in negotiations to headline. Sena was previously responsible for Swordfish (great fun),...


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