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Entries tagged with 'Will Smith'

Karate Kid remake?

Hollywood's desire to remake everything is incredible, and the rumour that they could be eyeing a Karate Kid remake sounds bizarre but not unbelievable with today's money making studios. After all the film is looking a bit dated, and the original actors have all moved on enough from these roles,...

Hancock set photo reveals plot twist

Hancock is the film from Peter Berg that sees Will Smith as a Superhero struggling with alcoholism and trying to court the married woman of Charlize Theron, all the while a PR Consultant has been hired to revamp his image. Sounds interesting, and then the killer shot I just saw...

Stalked: Five Killers, Will Smith acts more and Fiennes joins Knightley

The man who directed Good Luck Chuck is heading towards the action and thriller genres for his next film, Will Smith is to fall in love after trying to commit suicide, and Ralph Fiennes is playing the Duke to Keira Knightley's The Duchess....

Hancock pictures with Theron and Smith

There are some set pictures from Hancock, formerly known as John Hancock and Tonight, He Comes. These set pictures, unlike so many that are out there for various films, are close ups and actually show some action. Not only that but Charlize Theron is looking amazing. I'm not usually one...

I Am Legend sequel

Hollywood, who can figure them? They moan when they lose money and we don't see their films, and then they go and plan sequels before the first film has even come out. Not only that but the film in question has been in development for some ten years. I Am...

Will Smith on the set of John Hancock

Filmstalker recently brought you the news that superhero film Tonight, He Comes had changed names to John Hancock. The latest news from this film, sees the first pictures of Will Smith in character on the set. The film is directed by Peter Berg, and stars Will Smith, Charlize Theron and...

Tonight, He Comes gets name change

Tonight, He Comes, the title of the superhero film from Peter Berg featuring Will Smith, Charlize Theron and Jason Bateman has had a name change, and it's stunning. Instead of Tonight, He Comes, the film will now be called John Hancock. What is that all about? Now if it was...

I Am Legend trailer online in HD

As a stark contrast to the Vantage Point trailer that's been posted is the trailer for I Am Legend. This is the Will Smith starrer that is directly related to the Charlton Heston film The Omega Man and the Vincent Price film The Last Man on Earth, however the ultimate...

I Am Legend spends fortune on flashback scene

There's an interesting article online that shows how much money is being poured into the Will Smith film I Am Legend, the remake of The Omega Man and/or adapted from the novel The Last Man on Earth. They talk of the Brooklyn Bridge scene where they are reported to have...

Neil LaBute to direct Lakeview Terrace?

Neil LaBute is in talks to direct the thriller Lakeview Terrace to which Samuel L. Jackson and Kerry Washington have already signed up. According to The Hollywood Reporter through Coming Soon Ashton Kutcher is also negotiating for a role in the film. David Loughery wrote the screenplay and Howard Korder...

Will Smith gets Cooked

Will Smith is about to develop another man fights against adversity to make it tale, and again this one is based on reality. The story of Jeff Henderson is a strange one, he was a top San Diego cocaine dealer until he was imprisoned, there he discovered that he had...

Stalked: Keitel in Ministers and Smith gets Voyeuristic

Harvey Keitel is playing a good cop this time in a film called The Ministers. It tells the story of a female detective who is hunting down the group who killed her father, a group called the Ministers. While on the search she becomes involved with a man who is...


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