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Entries tagged with 'Aaron Eckhart'

Aniston and Eckhart in love

Jennifer Aniston and Aaron Eckhart are playing together in a new romantic comedy called Travelling, and frankly I couldn't care a jot. I mean it's just what we need from both these actors isn't it? Another dullard romantic comedy of errors built on misunderstandings to stretch out the inevitable get...

Two Face revealed in Dark Knight?

Aaron Eckhart has confirmed that Two Face will be in The Dark Knight film, something we aren't that surprised about since we heard before, and guessed. Yet there's something else given away that hints at how we're likely to find out about the character. Okay so I'm sure you all...

Eckhart reveals Dent Dark Knight details

Aaron Eckhart has been talking about his role as Harvey Dent and he's revealed a little information about his character's future in The Dark Knight. Now beware, you may consider there spoilers ahead if you don't know much about the Batman story, and in particular the story of Harvey Dent....

Aaron Eckhart is Harvey Dent in The Dark Knight

Well one Dark Knight rumour can be put to bed, Harvey Dent is officially cast, it is Aaron Eckhart as we carried back at the start of the month. The announcement comes from Variety and makes way for the next announcement, oh please let it come quickly, I want to...

Stalked: Spies Like Us, Kingdom, Dark Knight, Pulse, Feast

The trailer for Peter Berg's The Kingdom is in Quicktime format and it is looking superb, there's news on the rumours of Jamie Foxx and Aaron Eckhart as Harvey Dent in The Dark Knight, Spies Like Us is heading for a remake while Pulse is heading for two sequels. The...

Latest Dark Knight casting rumours

Oh I'm getting bored of The Dark Knight rumours, are you? Well here's the latest for the Harvey Dent and Rachel Dawes roles, Aaron Eckhart and Maggie Gyllenhaal. First up Gyllenhaal is supposedly in the running alongside Rachel McAdams whom I wrote about the other day, and Eckhart has supposedly...


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