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Entries tagged with 'Christian Bale'

Killing Pablo to get made?

Killing Pablo is a film that has been on the go for some time and has never quite made it to production. The story comes from a book by Mark Bowden about the true story of the Colombian gangster who was brought down along with his gang by the drug...

3:10 to Yuma

Film Three Stars

Despite having to give up two tickets to 3:10 to Yuma because of my stinking cold, I still managed to get a review out of it thanks to another friend Patrick. Many thanks for this, and hopefully I'll get my own review up when it gets released next week. In...

Batman 3 with Ledger and Catwoman

While I'm cutting back on some of the rumours on the site I really couldn't resist this one, and it comes from a site that is quite reliable when it comes to rumours. For the third Batman film not only is the word that Heath Ledger will return as Joker,...

New Batman and Superman for Justice League film

It seems as though neither Brandon Routh or Christian Bale will be appearing in the Justice League of America film although both Superman and Batman will. That means, if you haven't followed the logic there, that both Batman and Superman will be recast for the JLA film. Okay, don't panic...

A new Batman for Justice League film?

Is Batman not going to be in the Justice League of America film, or is it just Christian Bale and we're going to see another actor playing Batman in the JLA film? I'm actually not so sure, but in a recent comment Christian Bale, who is currently playing Batman, said...

I'm Not There teaser online

I'm Not There is the Bob Dylan film which sees six different actors take on his persona. They all express a different aspect of Dylan's music and life. The great cast includes Cate Blanchett, Richard Gere, Christian Bale, Heath Ledger, Marcus Carl Franklin and Ben Whishaw. The teaser is online...

3:10 to Yuma trailer online

The trailer for 3:10 to Yuma is online and it is looking rather good, like a shiny and polished western, and in fact that's what it is. I wouldn't be calling it stunning though, not yet. 3:10 to Yuma is a remake of a classic western from 1957 starring the...

New Rescue Dawn trailer online

There's a new trailer online for Rescue Dawn, a film that is promising a stunning performance from Christian Bale in the Werner Herzog film of a terrifyingly true story of survival. Christian Bale plays a US fighter pilot shot down over Laos on his first mission, a secret mission that...

Herzog's Rescue Dawn trailer online

The trailer for Rescue Dawn starring Christian Bale and Steve Zahn is online in Quicktime and HD. It tells the story of an American pilot who is shot down on his first secret mission over Vietnam and captured by the Viet Cong. He's held prisoner in horrible conditions and tortured,...


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