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Entries tagged with 'The Flying Scotsman'

Director: Douglas Mackinnon

I was lucky enough to get to chat with Douglas Mackinnon, the Director of The Flying Scotsman (Filmstalker review) starring Johnny Lee Miller, Billy Boyd, Brian Cox, Laura Fraser and Steven Berkoff, as well as numerous television shows, most recently co-directing the excellent BBC series Jekyll starring Jimmy Nesbitt and...

Win The Flying Scotsman unique signed poster

I have a very special one off competition prize for any one of the UK Filmstalker readers out there, a full size, New Zealand promotional poster for the film The Flying Scotsman, signed by the Director Douglas Mackinnon. The Flying Scotsman (Filmstalker review) is the story of Graeme Obree, a...

The best Scottish Films?

I've just had a great holiday up in the Highlands of Scotland, admiring the wonderful scenery, eating great local food, and drinking some of the best whiskies in the world. So rather than return to a serious feature I thought it would be fun to find out how many Scottish...

The best Biographical films

Not only is the excellent The Flying Scotsman (Filmstalker review) out this week in the UK but there are a few different Sammy Davis Jr. biographical films in development, the Edith Piaf film on release, Che Guevara biographical films in production, and there are many more on the way. That...

Weekend Films to Stalk

Apologies for the lateness, it's been a busy weekend. Here are the films from UK Terrestial and Freeview television that caught my eye as I browsed through the TV guide, as well as the UK releases for this week in the Cinema. This week I'm highlighting the films and TV...

The Flying Scotsman Scottish press adverts

Great news for those in the UK, The Flying Scotsman is coming to cinemas this weekend, just three days to go. The more amazing news is that the marketing company have been so kind as to pick up the Filmstalker review quote for the newspaper advertising. So if you're looking...

Ask a question of The Flying Scotsman director

I'm going to be lucky enough to interview Douglas Mackinnon, the director of plenty of British television and the superb The Flying Scotsman (Filmstalker review). Right now he has a short mini series on British TV called Jekyll, a modern day story of Jekyll and Hydem and a series that...

The Flying Scotsman trailer in multiple formats

The Flying Scotsman is a superb film, I can't praise it highly enough, and it's getting a UK release this month if the dates are right. I've been given the trailer in various sizes and formats to show off, so I'm delighted to do so. Have a look and I'd...

The Flying Scotsman in New Zealand and US

I received some updates on how The Flying Scotsman is doing in New Zealand and the US, and since I love the film so much and was lucky enough to be quoted on the New Zealand poster, I thought it only right to shout about it some more. Last week...

The Flying Scotsman soars in New Zealand

The Flying Scotsman (Filmstalker review) has seen its first release in New Zealand, and I've just received word of how well it's doing. Actually there are two words, very well. Obviously helped by my poster quote(?!), the film has just managed NZ$78,089 in 31 screens in the first weekend. Now...

The Flying Scotsman gets released

Last year I saw the film The Flying Scotsman (Filmstalker review) at the Edinburgh Film Festival and I loved it, you should see it on the sidebar under the Review Quotes and Filmstalker Recommends. Now it is getting a release in New Zealand, Italy, UK and Australia, as well as...

The Flying Scotsman trailer online

Talking of excellent films I saw at the Edinburgh Film Festival last year that are just getting released, The Flying Scotsman (Filmstalker review). It's a superb film, incredibly touching and carries some excellent performances from Johnny Lee Miller, Billy Boyd and Brian Cox. Wonderfully, and something that came as a...

The Flying Scotsman

Film Five Stars

I didn't actually want to see this film as it didn't catch my interest at all when I first went through the blurb from IMDB: The true story of Graeme Obree, the Champion cyclist who built his bicycle from old bits of washing machines who won his championship only to...


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