Filmstalker Features

What is it about British Films?

British film is definitely raising it's head in the cinemas of the world once again, and it is certainly proving a success with such films such as Shaun of the Dead, The Queen, Last King of Scotland and Hot Fuzz. We're starting to see strong British films coming forward, and...

The Oscars, has the magic gone?

So the Oscars are only hours away, and you have probably noticed from the coverage on the site, I'm just not interested this year, but that's not because of lack of quality films to favour, or because the quality films aren't getting recognition, actually they are. So what's the problem?...

What are the non-typical romantic films for Valentines?

Valentines Day is here again, the day of the year that we are told that it is now time to tell loved ones that you love them, the day that prices for chocolates, flowers and cards raise two fold, and the day that helps shops bridge the gap to the...

Upcoming British films and Festivals

There's a lot to come for British Film this year, not only appearances at worldwide festivals and the superb UK based festivals, but there's the British films themselves, of which there are many. Thanks to the BBC Film Network I present to you a list of some of the most...


Child actors - Do they need protection from acting?

These past few weeks we've seen a lot of controversy raging about Dakota Fanning and her role in Hounddog, most of it is complete hysteria and fabrication as she is an actress acting in a role and she was acting scared and distressed, something she has done time and time...

Favourite film soundtracks and themes

This is a feature suggested by Simone, your favourite film soundtracks. Now that got me thinking, there were a few top lists on television over the holidays about favourite soundtracks and they were featuring one song, not the soundtrack. To me a soundtrack is a collection of all the songs...

Filmstalker's films to see in 2007

Well we're a few days into 2007, and to finish off the trilogy of articles on the passing of the year film wise, here's the last in the series, the blockbuster completion if you will. Here are the films that I will be looking out for in 2007, and there's...

The films of 2006 - The fives and the zeros

In the first part of this three part series I wrote about the films I was looking forward to at the beginning of 2006 and what I thought now I had seen them (if I had) at the end of the year. Well now I'm going to look at the...

Films to watch in 2006 revisited

Last year I wrote about the films to watch in 2006, and we watched them, well most of them. So in this first part of a three part feature, I'm going to look back on what I said would be worth watching and why, then I'll look back at what...

What films mean Christmas to you?

It's come around again incredibly fast, Christmas is here. If you celebrate the consumerised holiday or not, you're still subjected to the same television as the rest of us, and that means the traditional Christmas films. Usually you're guaranteed to see The Sound of Music, The Wizard of Oz, Miracle...

What films would you like to see remade?

For the most part of this year we, the film audience, have been plagued with something truly terrible, the remake. Call it what you will, remake, re-imagination, whatever word you want, it's taking a story that has already seen a film audience and doing it again, and what's the reason?...

Favourite Film Quotations

If you love a particular film chances are you know a quotation or two from it, and even if you don't love a film that much you're bound to know and have said a few quotations from films before in your life. Surely you've said "Luke, I am your Father"...


Who is the best Bond?

Bond is much like Doctor Who, in that you usually love the actor who played the character as you grew up. For me Doctor Who is Tom Baker, and with Bond it's Sean Connery. Yet there's something slightly different with Bond, I have more than one favourite. It's because Bond...

The best car crashes in films

To commemorate my fiancé crashing her car this weekend, in quite spectacular style, we're going to spend this feature looking at the best car crashes in films. From impressive single car crashes, to multiple car pile ups. Which car accidents have hit you the hardest? Which look the most real?...

Scariest characters of all time

We're fast approaching Halloween and with a name like Filmstalker we just have to mark the occasion with a scarily themed feature. We've already looked at The most haunting film scenes, now though it's the turn of the scariest characters on film. What film characters do you think are by...

The most emotional film scenes

Following on from the most haunting scenes in films that we talked about last week I had a few ideas already sketched out, and then I caught a few moments of Four Weddings and a Funeral on TV last night while I was waiting for another film to come on....

The most haunting film scenes

Recently there was a survey carried out to find the most haunting scenes in cinema. The idea was to discover which scenes were ingrained in the mind of the audience after a scary film, images which would come back into their minds again and again and freak them out. For...

Trailers, the good, the bad and the ugly

There's no doubt that trailers and teasers are an effective medium for selling tickets. They have over ninety minutes of footage to chose from to make a few minutes of exciting and intriguing teaser that will hook the viewer into the story. The audience get to see and hear the...

Blogs for Films, what’s wrong with them?

Over the last few years we've seen the trend grow for the marketing people attached to movies look towards the Internet. They've raced ahead with Snakes on a Plane and proven that marketing does not make a sellable movie, you need a good film to go along with it, but...

Amazon's Unbox under fire?

Amazon has just released their film download service and it has, quite obviously, been followed by some strong negative comments. One article has been emailed through to me and it carries quite a few negative comments. Now, I am right there standing with everyone else against the restrictions of download...


Pregnancy, birth and parenthood in the movies

This is a feature dedicated to Lee, his fab wife, and their son who has just joined their lives - Many congratulations! You can read about their journey over at Alders Tone, where they are exploring parenthood for the first time ever. With that in mind, this feature is about...

What's your Dream Cast?

What's your ideal cast for a film? Who would be your favourite director or writer? Who, if you could make such decisions, would you choose for your ideal film and therefore create your dream cast? I've been working on this feature for a long time, pulling together my idea of...

Whatever happened to...Bridget Fonda?

I just caught the tail end of Lake Placid on TV, and something hit me smack in the face. That gorgeous beaming smile, the biting lip, the soft hair across her face, none other than Bridget Fonda, and it occurred to me, where has she gone from our cinema screens?...

Films to get married to

Since I just proposed to my girlfriend I thought that a feature about films on all things marriage related would be wise. So this week we're going to look at films that are around the topic of marriage, engagements and love in general. What films do you most associate with...

What are the films that you should watch?

I thought this might just be a two feature connection, but it's stretching to a third. On the same theme as movies we're embarrassed to have seen and those we haven't, what are the films we really should watch? Now I'm not talking about the top 250 on IMDB, or...

Films you are embarrassed you haven't seen...

Confessional time part deux…So we talked about the movies that you are embarrassed that you've seen or that you own, but what about those you haven't seen? Are there any films that you've missed that you're embarrassed to say? Are there some films hailed as classics, or films that you...

Films you are embarrassed to like...

Okay, this is confessional time part one. In this feature we're going to openly discuss, without fear of retribution (well, apart from some gentle ribbing) the films that we are embarrassed to tell people we own or like. I'll start this session and open up to you all with three...

Film Critics - do you listen?

Lately there's been a move by Hollywood to bypass the film critics and release their movies direct to the public without any press screenings. The critics and press are up in arms about this and strangely every film that is released without screenings turns out to receive negative reviews. It...

Movies for the Dads

Well with Father's Day just passing us by Dads everywhere will be getting back into the swing of things after enjoying a day of pampering, or at least hiding in the garage. Dads are strange, they seem to have an unusual taste in jumpers, socks, music and movies. Even stranger...

What made Connery win the lifetime achievement?

I have some beefs with Sean Connery, but none of them preclude from celebrating the talent of his film career. So it is with a proud Scottish heart that I congratulate his recent American Film Institute Lifetime Achievement award. Well done Sean. It made me think though, what would you...


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Movable Type 3.34 good! Greed is right! Greed works! Greed clarifies, cuts through, and captures the essence of the evolutionary spirit...Greed ...will save the USA.
- Michael Douglas, Wall Street