Filmstalker Features

Films to stalk in 2008: Part two

So you've already read the list of films that Filmstalker recommends that have concrete UK release dates, but what about those that don't have definite release dates? Well you'd be surprised at just how many of those there are, and I've hand picked them all out for you here. You'll...

Films to stalk in 2008: Part one

Well here we are at 2008, the year has just flown by. In the first of three articles I'm going to take you through the films for 2008. Not all of them, but the better ones. This first article lists the releases that currently have a UK release date. The...

The worst films of Xmas

While we just talked about the genre defining films of Christmas, or Xmas if you prefer, there's another side to films at this time of year that is utterly horrible and terrifying, the bad Christmas film. While there are plenty of classic and rightly superb films at this time of...

Genre Defining: Christmas

Call them holidays, Christmas, Xmas, whatever, the season is upon us and that means a run of seasonally inclined films. From Santa to sleigh bells, and loving one another, the Christmas films are here. So I thought before we enter the big Christmas feature we'd explore the films that really...


Films diluted by their sequels

The morning after a games night is usually devoid of anything interesting due to hangovers and sleep deprivation, however this time my friend Dave came up with a rather interesting point of discussion. What films have been diluted by their sequels, and conversely, what films haven't been affected by their...

Genre Defining: Political/Conspiracy Thriller

I was wondering what category I was going to tackle next and while chatting at work I thought thrillers, but then the thriller genre is really quite wide, and then it hit me. The big thing just now is the political thriller. So this feature will cover the political thriller,...

Genre defining: Sport

This really should have been last week as there was a mountain of sport to be had, Rugby World Cup and Formula 1 World Championships being the most prominent, but that weekend of sport made me think of the next topic for our Genre Defining series at Filmstalker, Sports. So...

De Palma's Redacted real war images censored

Brian De Palma has been very vocal about his film Redacted and how censorship has hit the film, and once again he's been speaking out about the controversial photographs that have been edited from the film by the studio for fear of legal recourse. De Palma isn't happy at that...

Women in Hollywood - Are we the problem?

While actresses over forty complain that Hollywood don't want them any more, black actresses who feel they can speak out still talk of racism, and allegations abound that Warner Brothers doesn't want any more films with female leads, it's beginning to look like there's a big problem in Hollywood. Are...

Genre defining: Western

Welcome to the start of a new series of features which we'll step in and out of called "Genre Defining" where we'll explore what we think are the definitive films for whichever genre we're discussing. In other words if I say “westerns”, what comes to mind first and why. Of...

The cars of The Fast and the Furious 4

The Fast and the Furious 4 has been confirmed with a 2009 release date and Justin Lin as Director, anything else you may have heard is rumour and speculation, but the film is definitely going into pre-production and will hopefully be filmed pre strike. So with it definitely going ahead...

Affleck's Gone Baby Gone delayed over kidnapping?

Ben Affleck is apparently considering whether or not to release his film Gone Baby Gone in the UK because of the real life case of the missing, presumed kidnapped, child Madeleine McCann. Madeleine McCann's parents claim that she was kidnapped from their holiday home while they were having dinner with...


The best food scenes in film

Following on from the feature last week about films that relate to food, I'm going to try another food feature this time it's going to be the best film scenes involving food. It seems that everyone was itching to get into this in the last feature, so let's just start...

Food in Films

I can't remember why but I was thinking about food in films, possibly because I was cramming a pizza in my mouth at the time, but I started to think, just how many films are there with food in them? As I started coming up with film titles I realised...

Television series as films

Can television series make good films even after they've had their run on television? Are the two mediums compatible? Is television actually running ahead of the cinema and producing higher quality content that doesn't need a film adaptation? These are the questions that started spinning around my head when I...

The best Scottish Films?

I've just had a great holiday up in the Highlands of Scotland, admiring the wonderful scenery, eating great local food, and drinking some of the best whiskies in the world. So rather than return to a serious feature I thought it would be fun to find out how many Scottish...

The best Biographical films

Not only is the excellent The Flying Scotsman (Filmstalker review) out this week in the UK but there are a few different Sammy Davis Jr. biographical films in development, the Edith Piaf film on release, Che Guevara biographical films in production, and there are many more on the way. That...

Your youth on screen, is Hollywood missing something?

There are more and more films coming to life that represented something of our childhood past, films like Transformers, Nancy Drew, Battle of the Planets and so on. Hollywood is turning to the books, television and videogames to plunder our youth for ideas. Yet even with the wealth of films...

The scariest serial killers on film?

With Zodiac on general release I was thinking about what scares me so much about serial killers. Is it the fact that they repeat the crimes, is it that they can sometimes go undetected for so long, or is there something else? There's then the question of just who is...

The Hollywood Trilogy, does it work?

I’ve just watched Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End (Filmstalker review) and although it isn’t the worst in the series it sill isn’t nearly as good as the first film. The second in the series, Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest (Filmstalker review) was undoubtedly the worst. It...


Who are the best film heroes?

We're going to take a little light hearted break from some of the more in depth and serious discussions we've been having and we're going to look at film heroes. Who are the film characters that you think of as the most heroic, whether they be true heroes, anti-heroes, or...

The Grindhouse release - your verdict

So the studio has decided that the failure of Grindhouse has been found, and it's all down to the fact that the film is just too long for the audience. This I find surprising. Having just sat through an entire weekend of horror films almost back to back, with a...

Are Horror films dead?

A little while ago the horror remakes trickled in, now there are a string of remakes in various stages of production, with the Hollywood machine fixing its eye firmly on 80's horror films. At the same time there are a number of Zombie films being made, and a few horror...

Bad cinema experiences

Well Friday the 13th was last week and while it's very much a superstition, people still hold the date at arms length, scared of what might go wrong. I was thinking about Friday the 13th and how to tie this into a feature. My first thought was to discuss slasher...

Are films to blame for society's decline?

Politicians know best, after all they are moral guardians always doing right, and know everything about anything inside out. They never cover things up, lie or cheat, oh no. So when the Mayor of London, Ken Livingstone, declared that films are causing violence in our society I immediately burned all...

What are your taboos in film

I was thinking about social taboos and how everyone has different taboos in life, boundaries that shouldn't be crossed, etc. I was thinking about how mine are remarkably open compared to most people I know, and how some subjects can't be discussed without upsetting someone or making them feel uncomfortable....

Cinema Adverts - What are the best and worst?

There's a part of the cinema experience that is often overlooked, a part that we may complain about whenever we head to see a film, and yet can often provide an interesting, entertaining and insightful moment before the film. I am of course talking about the adverts, or commercials if...

The Enemy in Hollywood

300 (Filmstalker review) is kicking up a storm, and not just in cinemas with audiences staring wide eyed at the amazing action playing on the big screen and the testosterone flooding the cinema, but also outside, in the discussion boards of the Internet as a growing voice speaks up about...

Filmstalker's first birthday!

It's a year today that Filmstalker began. A whole year, and it's flown by. When I first started this site all on my own, I was wanting to fill a void that had been created. I wanted to keep doing something I was so enjoying, writing and watching films and...

The greatest police/cop/fuzz films?

Having just seen Hot Fuzz (Filmstalker review) and enjoyed all the references to other police films out there, I thought it would be a good idea to find out what you all think are the best police films out there. Now these aren't just in the realm of comedy or...


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I really don't know who I am. Quite possibly, I do not exist at all.
- Alec Guinness