Filmstalker Features

2009: The year in film: Part Three

While we race on with 2009, Filmstalker's selection of films coming up in 2009 continues with the third part in the 2009 release review covering July to September. There are some big releases, a much anticipated sequel, a definitely not needed remake, and some smaller more interesting films too. Of...

2009: The year in film: Part Two

The celebration of films coming up in 2009 continues with the second part in the 2009 release review by Filmstalker, and I'm now looking at April to June. Now we're still looking at some more intelligent releases during this period, but we're also into blockbuster and sequel territory too. While...

2009: The year in film: Part One

Welcome to the first in four articles about the coming year in film. The films to look out for in 2009 by Filmstalker. The year ahead looks an interesting one, and although it may not be as filled with blockbusters as last year was, it does seem to have a...

Films that give you that Xmas feeling

I've been struggling for a feature for Xmas this year, mainly because I'm really not in that Xmas feeling, and that sparked a thought, what is that Xmas feeling? For me it's about being nice to others without any selfish thought. Like yesterday I had a parking permit with thirty...


When is a remake something new?

I've been thinking a lot about remakes recently - haven't we all been forced to lately with release upon release of remake? - and lately, while writing about the remake of Akira and Oldboy, I wondered at what point does a remake become something different, does it begin to offer...

World Leaders in film

Well it's coming up to the American Presidential elections and rather than ask that age old question, “who are the best fictional U.S. Presidents in film?” I thought I'd open it up to the rest of the world and ask, who have given the best portrayals of World Leaders in...

Genre Defining: True life horror films

I was thinking what to write for the Halloween feature that would be due, and I instantly turned to horror films wondering what we hadn't done before, and it came to be, the best real life horror films, or the best horror films based on true events. Now this is...

Films about financial crisis

Right now the world is plunging headlong towards financial crisis, or so the people in charge keep telling us. Rather than trying to calm the situation we hear people like the IMF telling us that we're all doomed. Great. So in times of trouble, well in film anyway, people rally...

Film quotes you use in real life

I can't really remember what sparked this thought off in my head, but I was watching television about something and into my head popped a quote from a film. Then, when I thought about it for a bit I wondered just how many film quotes I used in real, everday...

Tom Cruise: great or rubbish actor?

Tom Cruise is like Marmite - you love him or hate him, well perhaps a little too strong, you either like him or don't, and that don't seems to leap into hate in some cases, usually when people start considering his personal life. As an actor he has a mixed...

Best Presidential Films

There are a couple of big things happening in the world today, and one of them is the U.S. Presidential elections, and while we'll come to election films and best Presidents, etc. right now let's look at the best Presidential film. The criteria for this one is pretty much anything...

Political correctness affecting film

It's getting beyond a joke, a film is made, upsets some group or individual, and the next thing is it's being pulled from release, re-dited, or hopefully at the very least, delayed until it all blows over. It seems you just have to complain about a film upsetting someone and...


What happened to the franchise?

One of the Filmstalker readers, Mitch Mack, has written a feature for the site entitled What happened to the franchise?. He was the only reader to enter an article into the Filmstalker Feature competition, something I was very surprised about. So, he won a prize (which will be with him...

UK ISP's deal to hit file-sharers

The British Government has finalised a deal between the British film and music industries and the Internet Service Providers (ISP's) to start hitting back at those who the industries believe are downloading and sharing illegal files. The deal ensures that both the copyright holders and the ISP's will work together...

Heath Ledger, the Joker and Oscar hype

You know the more and more I hear about this talk of Heath Ledger being in the running for an Oscar for his role as Joker in The Dark Knight, before anyone has really seen the film, the more I'm getting uncomfortable about the whole situation. What's making it worse...

Hospital films

I'm doing something a little different with this feature, and that's to create one to help out an important charity, Macmillan Cancer Support to be exact. Let me tell you about the feature first and then we'll talk about why. This feature is going to talk about films you remember...

Are Trailers ruining films?

I've been growing more and more tired of trailers, and indeed all marketing materials of late, particularly trailers though as they seem to be giving away more and more of the main feature. There seems to have been a real drop in the intelligence of the creation of trailers, and...

Juno blamed for US pregnancy pact

I was just watching the BBC news - a station that I once believed fought for non-sensationalised news but of late has been heading further and further towards the tabloid news style - and I heard the upcoming news bullet point where they ask if Juno is to blame for...

Can franchises be restarted?

Restarted, rebooted, remade, reimagined. Whatever you like to say the question is can franchises that have already had their shot really be restarted? We've seen number of franchises revisited this year with Die Hard, Rocky and Rambo, but these have really been a continuation albeit with a fair passage of...

Are film baddies too real?

It's pretty much par of the course that unless the baddie in a film is a well off, middle class, white American, the group of people that they're representing will no doubt want to complain about the way they are portrayed, after all the film can only show them in...


Films on Filmstalker's Honeymoon

On behalf of my wife and I, I'd like to write up another Honeymoon feature, and this one is about films that are located in our honeymoon destinations. You see we were going through a shop in San Francisco and it was filled with posters of films that were based...

Honeymoon films

Well we're on honeymoon in California, San Francisco at the moment, but we still have time to think about a feature. While we were planning our wedding we were thinking what to name the tables, and we decided on films related to marriage, and in particular our marriage. One we...

Uwe Boll killing his own career

Uwe Boll is in effect killing any chance he has of a career, and he's doing it without the aide of an online petition. You see to be someone successful you need to be liked to some degree and your work enjoyed, you even need to win over critics and...

Filmstalker Hotdog Awards nominations

The Filmstalker Hotdog Awards 2008 are entering the nominations stages...finally. Now that a few regulars have voted for the categories that they would like to see in the Filmstalker Hotdog Awards 2008, they are being opened up for voting, and it's pretty easy to have your say. We're in the...

Filmstalker's 2nd birthday!

Filmstalker is two years old today, can you believe it? I can't, it actually feels much longer, especially considering the size that the site has grown to. So what's happened in the last year and what do you think of Filmstalker now it's two years old, and what's in line...

Filmstalker Hotdog Awards categories

We've not tried a awards list here on Filmstalker yet, and with every site doing them and the awards I worked hard on for the last site I was at being unceremoniously dropped, I thought it about time we kicked ours off. So introducing the Filmstalker Hotdog Awards. Awards that...

The best death scenes

I was chatting with Louise (friend, reader and helper on Filmstalker) and we started discussing the best character deaths in film. Now I can't remember why we went on the topic, just that we ended up there and as soon as she mentioned it my mind was off and racing....

Is being a celebrity good for you?

Is being an actor good for you, indeed, is stardom good for you, and not just your health either, but is it good for your life and those around it? Friends, family and close relationships? With the passing of Heath Ledger who was undoubtedly going to reach much greater things...

Misleading marketing of movies

I thought this might be a perfect time to discuss the marketing of films, how you feel about pre-film hype and if you've ever been duped by the marketing of a film into believing it was something good. There are two films just recently that have brothered me in...

Films to stalk in 2008: Part three

Now the third and final in the series where I've been looking at the upcoming films of 2008. We've already had a look at the films that have release dates for 2008, as well as the list of films due for release in 2008 without a date as yet, well...


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Ted Striker: Surely you can't be serious.
Rumack: I am serious... and don't call me Shirley.
- Airplane