Filmstalker Features

The Best Films of the Decade: 2007

Well 2007 in the ongoing series of The Best Films of the Decade has been slightly delayed, what with Xmas, guests, and over indulging, 2007 has had to fall to the wayside for a short time. However, it is here, and it marks a year with some great documentaries and...

The Best Films of the Decade: 2006

For those of us who enjoy exchanging presents and the big Xmas day meal, the time is just around the corner, and here in the UK we're even enjoying snow, it is indeed close to the end of the year, and with that we turn to The Best Films of...

The Best Films of the Decade: 2005

Here we are at 2005, rapidly approaching 2009 and giving us enough time to see everything released in the final year, unlike most awards ceremonies. Now the Filmstalker Best Films of the Decade is looking at the year 2005, and while I might be picking what I think are the...

The Best Films of the Decade: 2004

The years are rolling by as we hit 2004, half-way there to the voting for the Best of the Decade, and not long before the final films of 2009 are hitting the cinemas. We're almost there. For now though, let's keep focused on the year in hand, 2004, and it's...


The Best Films of the Decade: 2003

So we've already been voting on the Best Films of 2000, 2001 and 2002, and now it's time to turn our attention onto 2003 in the ongoing quest to find the Best Film of the Decade, well in our eyes anyway. 2003 promises a good year, with films such as...

The Best Films of the Decade: 2002

The films of the decade continue here on Filmstalker with the biweekly updates and we've moved nicely onto 2002. I've actually decided to leave the voting for the previous years open until the voting is closed on 2009, so there's plenty of time to catch up. Remember once we've looked...

The Best Films of the Decade: 2001

One step closer to 2010, and we're just starting the race towards the end of the decade here on Filmstalker. We've already looked at 2000, the first year in the decade we're just about to say goodbye too, and so this time round we're going to look at the year...

The Best Films of the Decade: 2000

Well here we are, rapidly approaching the big number of 2010, a number that would have meant someone would have had their space epiphany by now and we were finding that there was something amazing on a moon of Jupiter. The films have got it wrong. However with the passing...

Box Office takings versus good films

I was having a discussion online the other day about Paranormal Activity and I was talking about how the film wasn't as good as the hype suggests. Someone countered with the box office takings for that weekend, I'm not sure if it was the opening weekend or not, and used...

Hollywood loses huge financial backing

Hollywood is facing a financial crisis of the proportion that we've seen, and are still seeing, in the financial industry, and it's the financial industry to blame apparently. Hollywood budgets are heavily funded by money from financial institutions, and as their expenditures are closed off to save on costs and...

The Most Horrific Scenes in Film

This is the second part of the two part Halloween feature, with the previous discussing the most terrifying scenes where I tried to keep you on the track of the psychologically scary scenes, this one is just the complete, horror in your face, gore filled, horrific scenes. Now I've watched...

Most terrifying scenes in film

I've touched on this topic a few times before, mainly in a feature back in 2006, but with it coming up to Halloween I thought we should leap right back into it, and believe me this isn't the last halloween based feature that we're going to have this month. The...


Films About Toys: Does Hollywood have it right?

There's a veritable torrent, if I'm still allowed to use that word in public on a film site without fear of persecution, of films based on toys being developed just now, and while initially I thought it was complete rubbish, the more I thought about it the more I saw...

Reboots, which do you actually want?

Everything is being rebooted or restarted just now, it seems to be the new remake, but do you actually want to see your franchises restarted? Was there anything wrong with them before? Or should they have just been left alone? Reboot is an easy option for studios and can help...

The three big superheroes, what next?

With the news of Superman's rights being taken away from Warner Brothers and passed back to the original creators, with a new Batman around the corner having to battle hard to match the success of the previous and both Spider-man and Batman facing the last outings under their most successful...

What film thing do you want in real life?

It is a clumsy title, but it's a difficult concept to get across in a few words, not so difficult when you simply ask, if you could have anything from the world of film to become a reality for you, what would it be? Imagine that you had one wish,...

The Greatest Comebacks

Actors come and actors go, and some do that within their own career. Of late the most notable example has been Mickey Rourke, he's come back with a vengeance, and it began before The Wrestler, but that's the film that's seen as cementing his return. However he's not the only...

The best singers turned actors

In a little nod to the passing of Michael Jackson this week I thought that we could have a look at singers who have turned to acting, since this site is all about film it seemed the most sensible topic for a feature. While Michael Jackson shouldn't really make it...

Non-Hollywood scenes

I can't remember who mentioned it, and they can let us know in the comments, but someone mentioned the idea for a feature of scenes in films that really do go against the norm for Hollywood. What they and I mean by that are when you expect one thing in...

Video games and Hollywood: Who's adapting who?

When those who comment on film talk about the film adaptations of video games they always do so with a little bit of negativity, in fact most will claim that all video game adaptations are rubbish, forgetting that they deserve to be rated against film, not lumped into one unique...


Are franchises leaving us behind?

Franchises have been on my mind a lot of late. We've had the big names of Star Trek and Indiana Jones return to our cinemas and to quite a mixed response, and we're awaiting the return of the Terminator franchise, and that too is starting to come under some heavy...

The best baby films

With the arrival of a new baby in the family, born less than a day ago, I thought it a nice tribute to Mylah to look at the best films that are about babies, or at least feature babies as the leading characters. There are some that spring to mind...

Star Trek, the best, the worst and the new

Having just watched Star Trek (Filmstalker review) I got to thinking where it lies in the order of the series, not in terms of order of production, we know it's the newest, but in terms of quality and enjoyment compared to the others. That led me into conversations about what...

The best lead cars in film

With Fast & Furious out in the cinema this weekend and the rest of the series playing out on television at the moment, repeated who knows how many times, I began thinking about cars and films. Now I've already written a feature on The best car crashes in films, but...

Which franchises do we want to continue?

I was going to start another feature on a different subject today but as I was looking through the previous stories of the last few weeks something struck me, there are a number of trilogies being talked about being restarted and that led me to think which trilogies, or franchises,...

The worst trilogies

Following on from the feature The Best Trilogies, which was to celebrate the third birthday of Filmstalker, I thought we could segway nicely into the worst trilogies. Now we'd already hit a stumbling block in the first feature about what really does constitute a trilogy, but let's go with the...

The best trilogy

Today it is officially Filmstalker's third birthday, and what a three years it's been. This is officially the fourth year and in terms of yearage, the trilogy is over, but the franchise continues, just without the box office takings! So with the end of the trilogy it got me thinking,...

Do you really want 3D films?

I make no secret of it but I hate 3D films, partly because of the need to throw things at the camera and utilise the 3D effects at every opportunity, and partly because of the need for coloured glasses, hindering the usual view of a film on a big screen...

Love and relationships in film

So we have the final part of Filmstalker's look at the films in 2009 to come but that's been delayed by the BAFTA's and Valentines day, and it's the latter that we're visiting here. It's the day that companies round the world have raised their prices for and tell us...

Filmstalker at the 2009 Orange BAFTA Awards

On Sunday February the 8th the 2009 British Academy of Film and Television Awards takes place in London, and Filmstalker will be there to cover the event live. I will be, technically beside, the red carpet and attempting to blog live and trying not to wet myself at the excitement...


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I'm not left-handed either.
- Man in Black, The Princess Bride