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Closed: Win Cosmopolis on DVD, Robert Pattinson for free!

Cosmopolis.jpgFancy owning the David Cronenberg directed film Cosmopolis starring Robert Pattinson, Kevin Durand, Paul Giamatti, Juliette Binoche, Samantha Morton, Mathieu Amalric and Jay Baruchel? Well you can with Filmstalker because I'm giving away free Cosmopolis DVD's, no catch and no hidden marketing.

It's a big film for Pattinson moving away from his Twilight associated name and it's a film that has gathered a lot of critical praise once again for Cronenberg. So do you want to own a DVD copy? It won't take more than a moment to enter and did I say its free?

If you don't know about the film Cosmopolis then I have to wonder where you've been, but here' the blurb for the film as a reminder:

Riding across Manhattan in a stretch limo in order to get a haircut, a 28-year-old billionaire asset manager's day devolves into an odyssey with a cast of characters that start to tear his world apart.

Winning is simple. First you'll look at the upcoming question and select an answer, then select the competition link which will open an email where you need to enter the following information:

1. Your name
2. Your UK postal address
3. The answer, obviously

Here are the normal rules:

1. You must select the link to enter the competition - this isn't an advertising or tracking ploy, it's just to make sure you enter the competition through this site. Advertising pays to keep the non-profit Filmstalker running and if no one visits, it doesn't earn enough to cover the costs.
2. You must have a UK postal address to enter the competition.
3. One entry per person.
4. Competition closes for entries on 30th November 2012 at 23:59 UTC.
5. Winners will be selected at random from the correct entries and notified by email.
6. Prizes will be posted out soon after the winners are notified.

That's it. Now to the question that will tax you beyond belief.

What was the David Cronenberg film with the exploding heads?

That's it. Follow the rules and here's the email link to submit your entry:




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Movable Type 3.34

The words "Kiss Kiss Bang Bang" which I saw on an Italian movie poster, are perhaps the briefest statement imaginable on the basic appeal of the movies.
- Pauline Kael