Filmstalker Features

Inspired by actual events: Amanda Knox and Oklahoma Bombing, biased films?

I've always been concerned about the representation of real life in film, as I brought up in the feature Historical accuracy in films, and there are two projects right now that have reminded me of this issue, and one of them is very alarming and could well be affecting people's...

Uncharted film adapts videogame, isn’t that the way it should be?

David O’Russell has been taking a lot of stick for the way he’s been talking about his vision for the film adaptation of the videogame Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune and fans, as always, have been getting upset. All credit to him though, he’s sticking to his guns and has come out...

Live blogging the Orange BAFTAs 2011

Welcome to the 2011 coverage of the Orange British Academy Film and Television Awards from Filmstalker. This year the coverage will be live from the red carpet and during the live show before it's televised, and as usual there's a live event below to capture everything we, and of course...

Filmstalker's Films for February 2011

I've just missed the start of February, but I'm here with the second of the month by month hits of what's arriving in British cinemas this year. As I said in last month's roundup, I usually do the year ahead but it can be totally out of date a few...


Filmstalker's Films for January 2011

Like the previous years, I was going to write a huge preview of all the films coming in the year as at this point, the very beginning of January, and two things struck me. One is that by the time I've reached the middle of the year dates are vague...

Filmstalker's Films of 2010

2010 is about to close, the year is almost at an end, and it's a time to look back and reflect on the year. For some it's a time of happiness, and for some a time of sadness - right now my thoughts and love are with one of my...

Your Christmas films

By now you should have received all your Christmas gifts and had a chance to play with them, if not watch all the DVDs and Blu-rays you’ve been given, after all there’s been a lot on television too, and there’s still more to come, but what have you actually watched,...

Non-Christmas Christmas films

I keep having a bit of banter with the two blokes on the Filmstalker Audiocast, Mark and Steven, about Christmas films and what truly makes one. For me Christmas has to be at the core of the film, not just something that appears at the beginning and the end, for...

Filmstalker Reader's Top Tens 2010: Call for submissions

It's coming to that time of year again that I ask you, the Filmstalker reader, for their Top Ten for the year. This is where you write up a short, or long, article on what your Top Tens have been cinema wise. Now that can be good, bad, actor, film...

Are remakes being made too early? Are they harming the originals they remake?

The director of the original The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo film and it's two sequels has hit out against the Hollywood remake machine and brings forward a very interesting point about the idea of remaking a film while its shelf life is still very much alive, in fact while...

Gibson versus Tyson? Is Hollywood hypocrisy in casting criminal?

News came just yesterday that Mel Gibson was to start his return to the big screen in a cameo role in The Hangover 2. It sounded an appropriate return. Then something happened. The cast and crew apparently complained about his appearance in the film and refused to act next to...

Jack Ryan, does he need a reboot?

We've heard that Jack Ryan was getting a reboot, moving on again, looking for a new actor and a new franchise to kick him off, something that isn't really that much of a surprise as we've seen it happen a number of times before. However reboot doesn't just mean the...


Joaquin Pheonix and I'm Still Here, what's going on?

It struck me while I was reading the latest story about Joaquin Pheonix and Casey Affleck's film I'm Still Here, his apparent retirement from acting, and the is it or isn't it question for if the film is fake or not, just what affect this is all having on the...

Are films too reliant on big name stars?

The other day we learned that Gravity, the film from Alfonso Cuarón that was set to co-star the big name of Robert Downey Jr. but showcase the talents of a leading Hollywood actress, was struggling and might not get made at all. Why so? Was the studio in difficulty? Downey...

Are superhero films about to die?

Is the superhero genre close to death? It seems that Matthew Vaughn thinks so and that's one of the reasons why he's doing X-Men: First Class it would seem, to get a big budget superhero film made just before the genre dies out. I must admit I can't wholly agree,...

Can UltraViolet stop piracy and save the digital marketplace?

An announcement has been made that marks a big change in the marketplace of film and television shows, UltraViolet is the name, and a universal digital rights management (DRM) system is the idea. Actually it's more of an idea, it's a system that's about to start a beta trial this...

Mission: Impossible IV without Cruise? A new franchise?

Reading an article the other day about the upcoming M:I:IV or Mission: Impossible IV I gleamed a very strong shift in perception of the franchise, that it was bigger than the star Tom Cruise, and that there was the possibility that Cruise may not star in the lead role. I...

Filmstalker's recommendations for the EIFF 2010

The Edinburgh International Film Festival 2010 has arrived and I've had a thorough, two night review of all the films on offer, and I've created my wish list of what to see. As usual I'm going to share it with you, and if I can see all the films I...

UK Cabinet: The Film - Who would you cast?

The UK elections have happened, we've had days of politics and no new government, but just the other day we saw the Conservatives and Liberals form a coalition and take power. The first thing they needed to do was to elect their cabinet. What's a cabinet? Well it's the list...

Franchises, when is it time to stop?

The last year, and even further back than that, the same themes have been coming out of Hollywood, one of those themes has been the franchise. Hollywood just won't let go of them and we're seeing some of the big ones come back to life while others just can't seem...


3D television arrives in the UK, but do you want it?

3D television has arrived in the UK as major stores begin stocking 3D televisions, 3D glasses and 3D enabled Blu-ray players, but not quite yet the 3D PlayStation we've been promised. Manufacturers are ready to roll it out to every consumer, taking over from your standard home cinema, and they're...

Should stars of the past stay in the past?

Recent news told us that tapes of Orson Welles telling a children's story have been unearthed and are being used to make a new animated film, narrated by the great talent himself, who died in 1985. While that's only set to bring back his voice, it's long been touted that...

The Hurt Locker and the Oscars

The Hurt Locker is facing some difficulties in the race up to the Oscars, difficulties I didn't really think worth mentioning, until the latest round of news today and the announcement that a producer of the film has been banned from the show. Adding to their troubles, the film is...

BAFTA: Live blogging from the red carpet and show

This year I've been lucky enough to be invited down to the BAFTA event once again by Orange. Last year I was blogging live from the red carpet, something I intend to be doing again this year from this page, starting round about 16:00 GMT on Sunday 21st February. If...

Filmstalker's Most Anticipated of 2010

I've been sitting on the list of upcoming films for the year for some time now, I did complete it but I never managed to publish it, until now. Here's the list of films that Filmstalker (that's me) recommends that you should watch this year, and it's a bumper of...

The Best Film of the Decade: The Result

Finally we are here, The Best Film of the Decade has been decided upon by you, the reader. I can fairly say I have not voted once in this entire feature run. Since before Xmas I've been putting features on-line listing what I considered to be the Best Films of...

Best Film of the Decade: Voting

Since early December we've been voting on the Best Films of 2000 through to 2009, I've been selecting the nominees and you've all been voting for the best. Now the results are in, counted, and presented for your amazement, the Best Films from each of the years from 2000 to...

The Best Films of the Decade: 2009

This is it, the final year in the decade. Next up I'll be revealing the films that won from each year in the decade and letting you vote for the Best Film of the Decade. However we have to get back to 2009 and finish that off first, since the...

Filmstalker's 2009 Review

I thought this year I'd leave the Top Tens to the Filmstalker readers who are brave enough to step up and let their lists be published for all to see, be it the best films, the worst films, the funniest moments, the best performances, anything at all. So what would...

The Best Films of the Decade: 2008

The penultimate year in the decade is 2008, just one more year and I'll be gathering together your votes for the Best Films of the Decade and then we'll have one big vote on Filmstalker for the single Best Film of the Decade. Hold up though, we have two years...


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Movable Type 3.34

Michael to Jin as they are fixing the raft: "No, no, no! This one goes here, that one goes there"
- Lost "Exodus Part 1" Empire reference of Han and Chewie as they fix the Millenium Falcon