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Entries tagged with 'Sunshine'

Sunshine DVD alternate ending

Sunshine is getting a DVD release that carries a pretty good set of extras. The film, from Danny Boyle, features a strong cast who play a group of astronauts heading to the dying Sun in an attempt to reignite it and save Earth from a frozen future. The film had...

Sunshine four minute extended trailer

There's another disappointing trailer online, this time for Sunshine (Filmstalker review), but this isn't a poor trailer, far from it. This is the extended trailer at a mammoth four minutes and twenty eight minutes. Now that's great, because what you get, for those of you who haven't seen the film,...


Film Three Stars

There's a question that has come into my mind after reading some of the early reviews for this film, can a film be truly original nowadays? For many reviews have been saying that Danny Boyle just plods along familiar science fiction ground in this film and that he doesn't really...

Stalked: Boyle done with space, Apted says Goal! 3 won't happen

Danny Boyle says no to anymore space films, and Michael Apted is suggesting that Goal 3 is not going to get made. According to Michael Apted Goal! 3 is looking doubtful. He's supposed to be making the third part of the trilogy but he doesn't think we'll see it completed...

Another Sunshine trailer online

Another Sunshine trailer has made it online, and although this one seems to have much of the footage the previous does, there's a few more shots and lines to take us further into the story. I have to say that my anticipation for this film has gone through the roof...

Sunshine gets seen in UK

Danny Boyle's Sunshine was shown to a group of writers in England the other evening, and much as I'm pissed that I didn't see it because I wasn't invited - I mean how do they choose who does get to see the films? - I can't not tell you about...

Clips of Boyle's Sunshine online

There are a couple of new clips for the Danny Boyle science fiction film Sunshine online. Starring Chris Evans, Cillian Murphy, Rose Byrne, Michelle Yeoh, Troy Garity, Mark Strong, Cliff Curtis, Hiroyuki Sanada and Benedict Wong, it's quite a small and diverse cast. The film is about a group of...

New Sunshine trailer reveals some story

There's a new trailer online for Danny Boyle's Sunshine, and it's looking a lot better than the previous one we saw. This one gives us some insight to the story and has some of the character's dialogue, including an opening narration to tell us where the story is. The previous...

Second Sunshine trailer tells all

I've already said numerous times that I'm looking forward to Danny Boyle's Sunshine mainly because of the excellent cast, and now there's a chance to get another few glimpses of them with a new trailer that's just been released. To be honest it's a bit of a marketing push because...

Sunshine Teaser Trailer and character Wallpapers

Previously I linked to the Sunshine trailer, but now I have a variety of sizes and formats for the trailer, and also some very cool character posters for most of the actors in the film. There's Rose Byrne, Cliff Curtis, Chris Evans, Troy Garity, Cillian Murphy, Hiroyuki Sanada (seen above),...


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