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Entries tagged with 'James Cameron'

Ribisi in Cameron's Avatar

Giovanni Ribisi has signed on to James Cameron's Avatar, his animated futuristic epic, and all those other words that suggest grand scale, film. Not only is he starring alongside names such as Sigourney Weaver, Michelle Rodriguez, Sam Worthington, and Zoe Saldana, but he will be alongside six computer generated actors....

Stalked Cornish denies Bond, Rodriguez and Lang join Avatar

Abbie Cornish is denying the Bond girl rumour, although now she's right in the running for it, and Stephen Lang and Michelle Rodriguez join James Cameron aboard Avatar. Abbie Cornish' representative has said that she has not been chosen for the new Bond film, she hasn't even been considered. Moviehole...

Cameron's Avatar and NBC's Heroes as videogames

James Cameron's Avatar is going to be released as a film and videogame at the same time, does that mean videogame fans can say Hollywood produces rubbish films if the videogame doesn't turn out well? The rights have been given to Ubisoft, perhaps one of the best videogame companies for...

Cameron and Manson for 3D horror?

Could James Cameron be filming something for the dark imaged singer Marilyn Manson? Well reports are suggesting that he might be involved in an upcoming project of his, and it might just be a horror film. Recently Manson announced that his forthcoming album would be accompanied by a terrifying horror...

Cameron's Jesus coffins fail to impress

The fanfare on Monday was quite damp after all. James Cameron announced the new documentary that he had narrated to many a waiting ear, and he also showed two small caskets which were said to be those of Jesus and Mary Magdalene, and with a few murmurs of opposition, the...

James Cameron reveals remains of Jesus and family?

James Cameron might just have set himself up for a big controversy as he announces that he's found the remains of Jesus, Mary and Mary Magdalene. He's announced a press conference in New York where he will allegedly be revealing their coffins which still hold their remains. Wow! You have...

Cast confirmed for Cameron's Avatar

It's confirmed. The news we heard last month has been confirmed by James Cameron himself, Sigourney Weaver is set to star in his next film Avatar. The report comes from AICN who talked with Cameron just the other night, and is carried through Cinema Blend. Cameron was also kind enough...


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