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Filmstalker goes racing

HondaS2000.jpgI'm heading off to Thruxton race circuit tomorrow to spend Thursday racing a Mazda 3 MPS, Porsche Cayman, Lamborghini LP670-4 SV Murcielago, and a Formula Renault. Great times.

I'll be back in time for the weekend and so normal service will resume then, and just as well as review copies are starting to arrive and need to be watched as well as reviews that need to be posted.

There may be a few posts in the meantime, but I'll see you when I get back. Catch up on Twitter and Facebook, and there might be some picture action on Flickr. See you in a few days.



I drove a Lamborghini Murcielago LP640 last year and it was pretty amazing. A Formula Renault, wow!

I drove a Lamborghini Murcielago LP640 last year and it was pretty amazing. A Formula Renault, wow!

It was an amazing car to drive, the screaming engine every time you changed gear and hitting around 130 mph.

However for racing enjoyment the single seater was great. The delimiter was being hit every lap on the fast corners and straights though.




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